Friday 29 January 2010


Next up in Escape Artist's cavalcade of free games with which to hasten your soul-crushing working day is Canabalt. Vault from skyscraper to skyscraper at ever faster speeds as the world crumbles like day-old cheescake around you. Windows smash and doves dramatically take to the wing as you speed past, hoping that your next leap of faith doesn't end teeth-first in a block of cement. It's good solid twitch gaming, and exemplary of the 'just one more go' type of gameplay that somehow free internet games can do better than full retail releases. Also includes an adrenaline-pumping soundtrack that sounds kind of German.

Play it...HERE!

Or if you prefer to waste time before work on public transport so you can knuckle down to work when you get in (what, you think you're better than us?), you can buy it for your fancy-pants iPhone, Mr. Hard-Working Lawyer Man.

My highest score for the game is a paltry 2218m, which I'm certain could be beaten by wild chimpanzees mashing the jump button entirely randomly. Please feel free to boast of your score accomplishments in the comments section below. If you get a score higher than me, I can virtually guarantee I will try to beat it and get back to you. 'Dis my house. School yo' self, bitch.

This week's free game brought to you by: Adam Atomic with music by Danny B

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